Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Readings for Wed Feb 2: Valley Networks

1. http://ic.ucsc.edu/~easphaug/mars/Mangold04.pdf
Don't forget to read the Supporting Online Materials for the above,
Figs. S1 to S3
Table S1

2. http://ic.ucsc.edu/~easphaug/mars/Craddock&Howard02.pdf
(a chunker... ties in closely to Mangold04.pdf; skim it first, then
read it more carefully as time allows)

3. http://ic.ucsc.edu/~easphaug/mars/Goldspiel&Squyres00.pdf
A clearly articulated alternative view.

There is a LOT of reading for this class. This is your ONLY homework, and is what you can expect to do pretty regularly
as a scientist. Get into the articles, e.g. if you don't understand a key point, dig into some supporting materials, and be ready to get to the bottom of things during discussion. Also, undergrads, please remember to come by tea time, 3:00 in my office on Mondays.


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