Monday, December 27, 2004

Introducing the Winter 2005 Planetary Science Graduate Seminar

Earth Sciences 290E
Mars Atmospheric and Geomorphic Evolution

Co-taught by Erik Asphaug and Slawek Tulaczyk

This is a class for graduate students, although undergraduates are welcome to attend by prior permission of either instructor. It will focus on the primary relevant research literature and meet once a week, 3 hours including a break (TBD).

The theme is Mars and how it got that way, with a special concern for atmospheric and climate evolution, sources and sinks and reservoirs for water, evidence for past "wet and wild" episodes and their instigations, and the half dozen or so major theories-du-jour, all of which hover around the central question (not specifically asked by this seminar): does Mars have bugs?

Candidate reading list is found here . Please email me with any recommendations!

Seminar participants will use this blog to facilitate class discussion outside of the regularly scheduled seminar.


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